Human Being - Birth, Baby, and Breastfeeding
Why women keep breastfeeding?
How birth practices impact on both initiation and duration of breastfeeding?
Can a woman make her own decision without social & medical professions pressure?
Birth and Breastfeeding are life issues,
Women, babies and entire human being should be account.
2 則留言:
王顧問您好,我是住在香港的,很希望能協助推動母乳餵養,找過IBCLC的資料,希望向您請教一下,如果香港人想考取IBCLC是否也可到台灣? 因為我找不到香港有這樣的課程配合。
我不是一個醫護人員,也沒有相關背景,現於香港月子公司工作的,請您給我一點意見。謝謝 !
以上是我的電郵,如不介意請問我可以 LINE / WHATSAPP 您嗎?