2007年9月18日 星期二


Too many things to be done.

I though I could, I AM SUFFERING,

However, I believe that I can made it, because I got you-my LORD.

2007年8月23日 星期四

About USA Maternity Care

USA Maternity Care emphasis on:
Experienced Midwives (LDM & CNM)
Prenatal, birth and post-partum care in
one package.(about $4000)
Specializing in breech reposition, water birth and
Most insurance accepted
Play groups, mommy-baby yoga, and more
Birth plan
NB name
Verbal Complement: to breathe your baby down, good job, you are strong, let your body works, go baby go, it’s temporary, can’t last forever, you open and bloom as a rose, milt as a candle.
Visualized labor pain, and NB
Applying coconut oil into birth
channel for yeast inf., oil onto perineum to prevent laceration, papaya enzyme to improve hurt burn.

About Birth center (The differences and similarity between Birth center and Hospital)
Personal Vs In personal; Family-centered Vs Patient-centered.
Listen to mother (conditions, questions, worries, feeling, others families’ situations…)
No drug, just homeopathic remedy, Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Yoga…
The Reposition of Mal-position (Breech, Transverse...)
Lying on the side for checking FHB
2. Similarity:
Follow the protocol of ACOG: once a month before 32 weeks, every two weeks between 33-36weeks, and then every week after that.
The need of putting gloves on during the water birth.
The rule of making sure the car seat has been placed when discharge.
The longer waiting DAYS for rupture of membranes.
The need of Doula for Birth Center/ Midwives care model

2007年8月14日 星期二

The Days in ALMA Birth Center

The Days in ALMA Birth Center: two afternoons of 8th and 10th Aug.
I met Barbara two years ago, when she was first teaching “Doula Training” in Taiwan. Few months later, she came to Taiwan again for “Gentle Birth” training. We get along well for a four-day period in Hualien. Barbara obviously impacts the birth practice on the hospital what I work. The changes have made right after her visiting Tzu-Chi College of Technology, 8th Dec, 2006. We keep in contact through the Skype, once she knew that I planed a short-term oversea learning project, she kindly offers her place for me staying in Oregon since 19th July and arranges the visiting for both birth centers and hospitals, Portland, Oregon.
Alma Birth Center is one of them. It is a homelike facility, existing within a healthcare system with a program of care designed in the family-centered care and wellness model of pregnancy and birth. It is guided by principles of prevention, sensitivity, safety, appropriate medical intervention, and cost effectiveness. There are three pair-teams in this birth center which are: Laura Erickson, CPM LDM; Pamela Echeverio, CPM LDM and Kate Howe, CPM LDM. Those two afternoons, I followed the antenatal visits of Pamela and Kate. They believe in nurturing strong emotional and physical connections between the infant and its parents.
*Certified Professional Midwife(CPM)
*Licensed Direct Entry Midwife (LDM)
Pregnancy and birth as a sacred passage - a fundamentally healthy process - not an institutional medical event. Turn the medicalized birthing practices into “Gentle Birth story”. Remember…
*To help women claim trust in their body's ability to safely and dependably give birth while promoting wellness and positive attitudes about birth and parenting.
*To nurture a woman's sense of personal strength and self-confidence, so that she may realize birth as an empowering experience.
* To help women experience birth's transforming power with respect and dignity, in safety, support and confidence.

"Birth, like love, is an energy and a process, happening within a relationship. Both unfold with their own timing, with a uniqueness that can never be anticipated, with a power that can never be controlled, but with an exquisite mystery to be appreciated" .....Elizabeth Noble

Gentle Birth World Congress & FREE Baby Expo

“Gentle Birth World Congress & FREE Baby Expo”
Are pregnancy and birth the part of medical conditions? Or are hospitals the safest places for giving birth? Without “professional setting”, can women give birth in a natural circumstances? Are there other options for pregnant family except hospital-based services?
One particular reason for me to come to USA is WaterBirth International, funded by Barbara Harper. This non-profit organization aims to promote water birth to any place in the world. According to their website, the benefits of waterbirth and water labor includes:
*Speeds up labor
*Reduces blood pressure
*Gives mother more feelings of control
*Provides significant pain relief
*Promotes relaxation
*Enables the mother to assume any position which is comfortable for labor and birth
*Conserves her energy
*Reduces the need for drugs and interventions
*Gives mother a private protected space
*Reduces perineal trauma and eliminates episiotomies
*Reduces cesarean section rates
Is highly rated by mothers - typically stating they would consider giving birth in water again
Is highly rated by experienced providers
Encourages an easier birth for mother and a gentler welcome for baby
Waterbirth: Easier for Moms ~ Better for Babies!

About the fonder: Barbara, she is sexy, energetic and full of life person. She is the person who married to her faiths, waterbirth promotion and God. She is working the “Gentle Birth World Congress” hold on 27-30th Sep, 2007, CONVENTION CENTER, Portland, Oregon. If you are also interested in these areas, you should never miss this congress. Check their websites for details.

2007年8月7日 星期二

Message for GOD'S GOOD LIFE

One thing staying in Oregon excited me very much is being church again. It is so different atmosphere from any religion's activity hold in Taiwan. It always starts with some vocal performances to glorify God. Wilson stand in the middle of the stage to lead the band and others singers. It feel so free,natural, and touched, just like talking to someone who knew you very well, your joy, your sorrow, your proud and your weakness. Every time listening to pastor's words, It seems completed me. No fear, scare, or any though of give it up। I am confidence in myself after each service.
Here are the messages I would like to share with you:
Patience, Persistence, and Peace of Mind -By Pastor Kip Jacob

Part 1: How to develop patience 22nd July 1030-1200
...It is better to be patient than powerful.
...It is better to win control over yourself than over whole cities.
Proverb 16:32(GN)

1. God's part: He provides the circumstances
Four kinds of opportunities

2.My Part: Responding Positively. How?
a.Discover a biggest perspective- step back a while
b.Develop sense of humor
c.Deepen your love
d.Depend on Jesus power.
Part2: How to Avoid Burnout 29th July
....I King 19:1-16 With today's high-stress lifestyle, it's easy to run out of emotional energy. But the problem of BURNOUT is not new.
1. The Consequences of Burnout
a.We depreciate our worth.
b.We underrate our work.
c.We exaggerate our problems.
d.We abdicate our dream.

2.The Cure for Burnout
a.Rest your Body.
b.Release your frustrations.
....Fear, Resentment, Low self-esteem, Anger, Loneliness, Worry...
c.Refocus on God.
d.Resume serving others.

Part 3: Persisting in Faith 5th August
...We have around us many people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. Hebrews12:1

How to finish what you start...when you feel like giving up?
1.Remove any Distraction.
2.Remember the Reward
3.Resist all the Discouragement.

Where do you need to be more persistent?
a.Self evaluation
b.Daily time with God
c.Praying for family
d.Sharing my faith anyone who don't know Jesus
e.Daily Exercise and Healthy Diet
f.Managing my Though
g.Controlling my Temper
h.Trusting God with my Pain and Problems
4.Renew myself daily.

....I have finished the race, I have kept the faith। II Timothy 4:7(NIV)
Part4:God's Answer for DARK Valleys. 12th August
'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4(NIV)

I. Remember...
1.Valleys are inevitable.
2.Valleys are unpredictable
3.Valleys are impartial
4.Valleys are temporary; as a tunnel, they always have entrances and exits.
5.Valleys are purposeful.

II. What do you do in dark valleys?
1.Reuse to be discouraged. Don't focus on situation, focus on Jesus.
2.Remember that God is with you. Not talking about God, but talking to God.
3.Rely on God's protection and guidance.
In fact, a shadow is always bigger than the factor, however, shadow might scare you, could never hurt you.

There is no shadow, without light.
Part 5 Patience, Persistence, & Peace of Mind- The Path to Personal Peace By Pastor Kip Jacob 19th Aug. 2007

(Jesus)”I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give in’t fragle like he peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14: 27(LB)
3 Sources of Tension
When circumstances are uncontrollable.
When people are unchangeable.
When problem are unplanable.
The Path to Personal Peace
1. Accept what can’t be changed.
“I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens.
I have learned the secret of being happy at any time in everything that happens…
I can do all things through Christ, because He gives me Strength.” Philippians 4:11-13(NCV).
“I have learned that everything has limits…Psalm 119:96(GN).
2. Allow God to set pace of our lives.
3. Trust in God’s loving care.

The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things rightif I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with HimForever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr

2007年8月6日 星期一


Finally, the IBCLC TEST is coming soon.....

30TH July

What a lucky I have Barbara Harpar's full help। I stay with her all day long for free. She took me to 800 Oregon Street, where the test hold.

One thing was not so happy about, I have applied for using electronic dictionary from IBLCE board, Australia, HOWEVER, here inn Oregon just didn't allow me to use any electronic tool।

I did not think this was fair for me, anyway I could stand it in someway.

The questations were not too difficult, but I could nearly to say that I will pass the test, since there were more than one possibility in many questations। Maybe this is why the Board cannot release the result until 15th Oct.

God with me.

Breastfeeding Training in London

The start of international connection
Breastfeeding: Practice and Policy Course, Centre for International Child Health in collaboration with WHO (Dept of Child & Adolescent Health) & UNICEF (Nutrition Section)

Start from...16th June 0900Taipei-Bangkok-London Heathrow Airport16th 1915, Total flight hours:17hours 15mins

It was a long flight, however, I was not really tired, five films I have watch during the flight, which meant I barely got any sleep on the plane.

One thing drove me crazed was the horrible attitude of Immigration office and Transport for London. I have been waited for about 1.5hours just got out the immigration procedure, and another 1.5hours just get the right WAY of connection from airport to East Finchley, where I would stay for the next four weeks.

Eventually, I were in 19, Huntingdon Road, East Finchley, N2 9DX, London at exactly 1200 midnight. (It normally takes 1 hour to get there, when the system function well, without any engineer work)